Reactions – Joe Giudice Reacts



Joe Giudice has reacted to the comments of now FIRED Real Housewives of New Jersey Amber and Jim Marcheses interview. As I have exclusively learned from reliable sources, he is beyond livid at the comments made about his daughter. His reaction was one of shock and hurt. Especially knowing that a mother would say such things about someone else’s kid.  My source also goes on to say, they were dismayed, angry, and pissed off that they chose to attack the Giudice’s in this manner. My source went on to say that Joe is hurt not for himself but that of his eldest child. People need to remember that Gia is still a teen ager and to have this happen when her mother wasn’t home, was especially cruel. No grown adult should ever attack a child. Period!

As I stated in the first line of the blog, Jim and Amber didn’t just chose to leave, but they were fired. My source also revealed that they only released the statement, to possibly save face. Trust me, they have two faces to save. One that offered help to Teresa and Joe when Teresa started to serve her time. The other face to save was that of the last few days of interviews they gave. I really liked Amber when she came on to the show, she was quirky in her personality and her message was a strong one, take care of yourself. She along with Camille Grammer of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, each can help millions of women. Now my only wish is for Amber and Jim to fade away into the sunset, live long and happy lives, and that their children especially their daughter never has to face comments that were made by her parents about Gia, from another adult.

In summation this week a lot of people’s true character shined through. Amber kind of reminded me of Jacqueline Laurita, saying one thing on camera, another on social media, and yet another on texts. While I know Amber could never reach Jacqueline bar of Sanity Par Excellences, it did open my eyes. Tomorrow is another day, one day closer to Teresa being home. To the girls having mom home, to the girls getting adjusted to one new normal, then slowly having another new normal happen. I do believe my source will be sticking by the Giudice’s and offering support whenever they can. They just understand what it means to not kick someone while they are down.

My thought is this is the last I hope to have to deal with this type of hurt.





  1. Shelly Mason · November 11, 2015

    What Jim & Amber did was so wrong. Never liked Jim to begin with. He’s the biggest jerk I have ever seen in my life.
    Soooo glad they were fired!!!!!


  2. Prekteacher · November 12, 2015

    Amber and Jim are beyond pathetic! I’m a nonviolent person, but I kind of hope someone accidentally punches that short little Whiney twit some night in a dark alley! Just dreaming out loud!


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